We can all say that today's life is a little crazy sometimes, everyone has so much going on...all the time. Throw on top of that the stresses of COVID-19 and the impact that has on our mental health and financial situations. In order to combat the stress of these days it is important to practice self-care. There are many different forms of self-care and no matter what you do you will benefit tremendously from it.
There is no right or wrong way to bring self-care into your regular routine. Practising self-care means working to eliminate as many triggers of stress as possible and is often described as performing a series of actions to improve your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
If you are unsure of how to practice self-care, you can start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath when you feel anxious or stressed out. One of the best ways to practice self-care is by eating healthy and getting better sleep. Being mindful of your diet and sleep schedule will contribute to better habits and overall health. Another form of self-care involves regular exercise and relaxation. These will allow your body to relieve stress and clear your mind, especially after a long day of work. It is also important to stay away from drug or alcohol use, as these can lead to increased stress and a number of other health problems.
Here are 20 self-care ideas to kickstart your self-care routine today!
Give yourself a manicure or pedicure
Read a book for an hour
Sit in a sunny spot and just...sit
Take a bubble bath - complete with Epsom salts, candles and calming music
Buy a fresh bunch of colourful flowers
Take a leisurely stroll in the park or the beach
Put on a homemade face mask
Give yourself permission to binge watch a new series
Take a nap
Watch funny YouTube videos
Have a dance party
Burn a candle or diffuse some essential oils
Sit in a coffee shop and sip on a luxurious drink
Do Yoga
Go to the park and play on the playground. Be a kid again!
Go swimming (for fun, not excercise)
Wear an outfit that makes you feel amazing
Write a list of "annoying tasks" that have been weighing on your mind and knock them out in an hour
Bake a dessert you love. And then it eat!
Watch the sun rise or set. Don't take any pictures or post about it on social media. Just watch and take it all in.
You only have one life. By making changes that benefit your health and well-being, you’ll experience a high quality of living and enjoy each day.
